Thursday, March 4, 2021

Tarot Scopes March 2021 by Lalia Wilson

 Welcome March! Spring begins this month in the northern hemisphere, autumn in the southern hemisphere.

This month we are using four different tarot decks, with two being decks new to me and two fairly recent decks. I choose various decks to illustrate each month’s drawings so as to show the versatility and variety of tarot, to emphasize a particular season or sign, and because some are my favorites.

For the Fire signs we have the Nature Spirits Tarot, 2nd edition (2021) created by Jean Marie Herzel and published by Bear and Company. For the Earth signs we have the Ostara Tarot (2017) created by Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard, and Julia Iredale, and published by Red Feather, Inc. For the Air signs we have the Encore Tarot (2019) created by Ciro Marchetti and available at  For the water signs we have the Light Seers Tarot (2019) created by Chris-Anne and published by Hay House.

We have five repeated cards this month The Page of Wands, The Emperor, The Lovers, The Wheel (of Fortune),  and The Hanged Man. Of the twelve minor arcana cards drawn eight were Wands! Wands are frequently associated with spring, which commences in the northern hemisphere this month. Wands are inspiration, the fire of action, the nucleus of creativity, that which prompts us to leave our winter inertia behind. The repeated Emperors connect with the first fire sign of the zodiac, Aries, the sign that also commences this month. The Emperor is the master of the physical world and its political systems, he is self-disciplined and unemotional. The Lovers are not so much a card of romance as a card of contracts and accepting social responsibility for relationships, so we will be stepping up this month. As a card indicating contracts, The Lovers also has to do with international agreements. The Wheel always changes, when some individuals are “on top of the world” others are at the bottom. The Wheel tells us that things always are changing. If they are bad, they will improve. If we are at the top of our game we need to have a plan for when life is not as kind to us. Finally, the Hanged Man says that some of us need to wait and reflect, to gain a higher perspective before it is time to take action. The Pages of Wands announce that better times are coming.

Aries: The Wheel and the Three of Wands:

            Dear Aries, your friends will be a big positive in your life this month. You are full of energy and raring to get busy. Both cards are favorable for new ventures, especially business ventures. Things are moving forward for you, Aries, take action.

Taurus: The Emperor and the Two of Wands:

            Dear Taurus, actions behind the scenes are ongoing. Either someone with a low profile, perhaps unknown to you, is interfering in your business, or you are working on things in your dream state. Either way don’t expect a fast start this month. Even so, you are eager to start things in motion. It will start slowly.

Gemini: The Lovers and the Six of Cups:

            Dear Gemini, it looks like a busy month with your public work. You shine in public and are feeling energized. Old friends and old times are highlighted.

Cancer: The Emperor and the Nine of Pentacles:

            Dear Cancer, this is a big month for your career and public reputation. With care you can get a big promotion or award. It looks like your money will be good, too. Even so, the Nine of Pentacles implies some loneliness, whether being alone by choice or for other reasons.

Leo: The Empress and the Page of Wands:

            Dear Leo, Faraway places are calling to you. Products, and importing/exporting medical or caregiving items is on your mind. Your sex life is strong, romantic, and dreamy. Your creativity is also working overtime. Good news and inspiration is all around you.

Virgo: The Lovers and the Seven of Wands:

            Dear Virgo, this is not the month to take on all challengers. The advantages are all with your opponents. Defend what’s yours. Adhere to any contracts. Don’t make waves as this is a time that you will create unnecessary problems for yourself.

Libra: The Hanging Man and the Ace of Wands:

            Dear Libra, it’s time for others to take the initiative. Your energy level is erratic this month and your health may need looking after. Hang loose. See the big picture. Conserve your energy.

Scorpio: The Wheel and the Five of Cups:

            Dear Scorpio, things look good at home and with your creativity. You want to jump into life with both feet and if you do so, will over expend your energy and maybe your money. It’s exciting that your energy is rising and that you can now circulate more. But be cautious.

Sagittarius: Death and the Ten of Wands:

            Dear Sagittarius, have you been having ominous dreams of great burdens and death? You are normally content and serene, but you seem troubled by unseen forces. Heed any warnings from your intuition and dreamlife. The opening up that everyone else seems to be viewing is not what you are seeing.

Capricorn: The Hanged Man and the Five of Cups:

            Dear Capricorn, there is a problem in your neighborhood, possibly flooding. Whether it is a physical problem or an emotional one, people around you are very sad. Your job is to keep your equilibrium and console those around you. If the heartbreak is yours, a time-out for relationships is indicated until you see the big picture.

Aquarius: The Tower and the Page of Wands:

            Dear Aquarius, you are naturally drawn to times of chaos and cultural mixing. Right now, some amount of that is prompting you artistically, allowing you to process the experience and ultimately gain from it. Are you able to take the high road and make lemonade from your lemons? The Page of Wands is bringing news of good times ahead.

Pisces: The High Priestess and the Four of Wands:

            Dear Pisces, you have attention on yourself and upcoming celebrations. Your intuition and inner guidance is accurate. Listen to your inner voice. Joyful occasions are coming!


You can use these Tarot Scopes to read your Sun sign, Moon sign or Rising Sign (also called your Ascendant). You can determine these by using free or low cost apps, or internet sites, and inputting your time, date and place of birth. The Rising sign indicates your entire life; the Sun sign is about your ego and creative forces, and the Moon sign is about your reigning needs, emotions, and flexibility.

            The tarot cards used as illustrations for this column are ones that I admire and want to share with you. Note that decks have subtle differences of meaning as they are reinterpreted by a new creator/artist, and, of course, the tarot reader. Enjoy that flexibility of meaning and the artwork of these various decks. Reading articles with illustrations like these will help you determine the tarot decks that most fit you. If you get bored seeing my favorites, I’m open to suggestions and gifts.

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