Monday, July 27, 2009

Money in the Horoscope

What indicators in the horoscope show money? How can you identify where money can be found in your life? When your financial life will be better?

Astrologers have many different ways of looking at money in the horoscope. Lois M. Rodden, the author of Money: How to Find It with Astrology, Focuses on the earth houses (2, 6, and 10), having to do with mundane life, and the water houses (4, 8 & 12), which have to do with wealth. Basically, you look to the money houses to see where your money is coming from. Where is the ruler of the second house? Is it tenanted? How about the sixth and tenth houses? Planets in the wealth houses, 4, 8 and 12, suggest independent means.

Let’s focus on what the houses mean in regards to money:

1st House:
Self employment, relies on beauty or physical attributes.

7th House:
Through spouse, counseling, partnerships

2nd House:
Gains money from collectibles, portable items of high value, jewelry

8th House:
Banking, finance, insurance, undertakers, detectives and police.

3rd House:
Sales in general, communications, writing, teaching K-12

9th House:
Law, religion, higher education, writing and publishing.

4th House:
Real Estate, family money, farming

10th House:
Own business, major corporations, politics

5th House:
Gambling, stock market investments, arts

11th House:
Organizations, trade groups, consortiums

6th House:
Crafts, health, medicine, provider of services to individuals, households and businesses.

12th House:
Is supported by others, retired, disabled, imprisoned, vow of poverty…

Venus rules Small Money, or Personal Money, and Pluto rules Big Money; as they are the natural rulers of the 2nd and 8th houses. Big Money means money of society, money of organizations, other people's money... so, money that you as an individual do not control. When Pluto changes signs, as it just did, Big Money makes important changes too. Economic conditions change in ways that create new opportunities and close old options. The lesson is to work with Pluto. To see what Pluto brings to your natal chart. (You can also consider how Pluto impacts the charts of any organizations or cities, states and countries.) You need to work with, collaborate with, Pluto. Pluto is like the 400 pound gorilla!

Take a look at your natal chart. Pluto indicates where Big Money lies. Transiting Pluto, now at about 3° Capricorn, indicates the current picture of Big Money in your life.

Venus, on the other hand, is a force we can directly use. Venus is where you attract money. Look to your natal Venus for your life-long ability to attract money, and to the current position of your secondary progressed Venus for your current opportunities.

A whole different approach to money in the horoscope is presented by the Magi Society in their book Love and Money. They look at four aspects: conjunction, trine, parallel and contra-parallel, with narrow orbs[1], that indicate money. There are five so-called Golden Linkages: Venus-Chiron, Jupiter-Chiron, Jupiter-Pluto, Pluto-Chiron, and Venus-Pluto. There are five Silver Linkages: Venus-Neptune, Venus-Uranus, Venus-Jupiter, Jupiter-Uranus, and Jupiter-Neptune. These ten aspects, together called Success Linkages, can be formed within a single horoscope, by transit, by progression, and with another person or with a corporate entity. When formed within the person’s chart, it is a life-long indication of some degree of wealth. When formed between charts, it indicates financial success while the parties are joined—during the marriage or partnership or period of employment. When formed by transit or progression, make hay while the sun shines, as this is temporary!

When we examine birth charts of notable people who are multi-millionaires and billionaires, let’s ask the question, “Who am I?” Here we look to a major life emphasis by the sign and house of the chart ruler.

Second, where is Venus, and where is Pluto? Do they contact each other? Now look further to spot any of the Magi Society enhancement aspects of financial success.

Now, what would it take to make your chart financially successful?

[1] The conjunction and trine and generally all longitude aspects would be within 3°. The aspects of declination would be within 1.2°.