Friday, February 27, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Astrology & Health

Today I'll be presenting about Astrology & Health to a group in Knoxville, Tennessee. I enjoy doing these presentations. Among other things, I always learn, or re-learn, something. In today's case, the blindingly obvious.

About the 6th house. It's always presented as the house of health, but I only now know why. Because the 6th house has to do with your habits and your routine. Your health DIRECTLY proceeds from your daily habits.

If you exercise each day, you'll have fitness and defined muscles.

If you have a cinnamon bun and latte each day at 10:30 am, then you will look like you do that.

So, you choose your habits. The outcome is directly related to your habitual activities!

To look more closely at the astrology, the sign or signs on that house, the planets inside, and the planet ruling the house all impact your ability to maintain positive habits.

Speaking as a person with the Moon in the 6th house, the habit to seek comfort can lead to results I don't want to live with--extra weight among them. So I need to be aware of my normal responses and take action to move in the right direction.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I've been thinking about various topics to pursue here, versus in my newsletter or in my list group.

Here are some possible topics. Let me know if any of these seem more suited to one venue over another:

The Saturn-Uranus opposition after this last impact.

Health and Astrology--am presenting this Sunday.

Astrology and weight issues.

Looking at the sequence of degrees in the horoscope, i.e. what is the earliest planet by degree in any sign? What's the latest? This relates to how we interact with our environoment. Part B is, naturally, do we count Chiron, the Nodes, the big four asteroids, ALL the asteroids--I only have 600 something on my program...

Anyway, do any of those topics grab you?