Monday, November 29, 2021

Book Review: Inner Practices for the Twelve Nights of Yuletide by Anne Stallkamp and Werner Hartung.

 This reviewer received an ARC from the publisher.

Each year we are faced with choices at the holiday season. Seemingly we have to choose the happy and merry--party ‘til you drop--overspend on gifts version of Christmas, or to be a holiday grouch. This book calls us to a spiritual opportunity for Yule/Christmas.

The Capricorn (Winter in the Northern Hemisphere) Solstice commences the time between the Solar Year and the Lunar Year (The Lunar year is several days less than the 365.25 day Solar year as the 12 succeeding New or Full Moons occur in less time.) This interstitial time is the twelve days of Christmas you’ve heard about in the Christmas Carol.. The “Time Between the Years” might be considered a fifth season. They are days of reflection and days of prophecies for the coming year. The Year’s Great Pause begins at the Solstice on December 21 or 22. This book contains rituals and tasks for each of the 12 nights that allow us to heal old issues and more forward into a better year. This whole reflection can be in addition to a more commercial Christmas season, or instead of it. At end, the final night is a renewal that reintegrates with “normal life” on January 1 or 2.

If you are searching for the sacred during the holiday season, this book is for you!

Lalia Wilson

A Review of Empath Activation Cards by Stephanie Redfeather


 The Empath Activation Cards are a 44-card full color deck of large cards, and accompanying book, created by the Rev. Stephanie Redfeather, Ph.D. The design of each card was painted by Ms. Redfeather. Redfeather’s area of specialization is Shamanic Studies. She is the author of The Evolutionary Empath, with which this deck is consistent. I received a copy of this deck and book from the publisher.

The author defines empaths with these five qualities. The ability to merge with and absorb the energy of other beings. Having a highly sensitive nervous system. The ability to sense the energy stored in the auras of all living things. A strong need for harmony in relationships and in living arrangements. Finally, a strong desire to serve others.

This beautiful deck has three purposes: to remind you of your true nature, to connect you with your true mission, and to raise your spiritual frequency. These cards can be used as a self-guided initiation into higher consciousness by following the directions in the accompanying 5.25 by 7.5 inch, 209 page B&W book.

You can use these cards individually as a focus for meditation. You can use them much as you would use tarot cards, using tarot spreads. You can use then in one of the several spreads offered by Redfeather in the book, especially a ten-card spread designed to personalize your spiritual growth. You can use them starting with the first card, to raise your own frequency by spending up to a month or more with each card.

Perhaps of most interest is that this deck can be used with groups of spiritually-minded people. They can meet weekly and work through the 44-card deck in about a year.

You will know if this deck is for you. Look at the images.

Lalia Wilson

Friday, November 26, 2021

Review of Greek Mythology Reading Cards

 This is a wonderful deck to familiarize yourself with the Greek Pantheon. For someone new to mythology reading through this book and the accompanying cards is a good grounding in the Greek Deities of antiquity.

The instructions for using this deck as an oracle deck are limited and presume that you are familiar with other oracle decks or tarot for the methodology.

The artwork is digitally altered versions of classical paintings. Some will find this reprehensible. For me it is just too busy, especially the cards that show groups of people. One minor thing that would help future editions is to add a page or two relating the Greek Gods to the Roman Gods--usually just a name change--and then to astrology.