Friday, August 20, 2010

Venus & Mars Get Together

The Astrology of Great Sex: Discover Your Lover's-And Your Own-Deepest Desires

We are planting new seeds for personal relationships today and this month.  Venus and Mars are traveling together all through the sign Libra.  They conjunct today at 13+ Libra.  How can your life improve?

Consider the house receiving the action of Venus's dalliance with Mars.

<> First house: more popularity and sex appeal.

<> Second House: more money and possessions, gifts?

<> Third House: more excursions and enjoyable weekends.

<> Fourth House: home décor improvements.

<> Fifth House: a new lover, a child’s accomplishment, and new creativity.

<> Sixth House: You’ll either read or write the manual on how the emotions and athleticism of sex and love help everyone’s health.

<> Seventh House: new partnership, or great improvements in partnerships.

<> Eighth House: great sex adventures, or hitting the jackpot.

<> Ninth House: great adventures of mind, body or spirit.

<> Tenth House: winning the contest, beauty, popularity, or other look-good and feel-good items.

<> Eleventh House: your organization wins its contest, or your friends do.

<> Twelfth House: you have a rich inner life full of dream and meditation positives.

This house is energized for about a year, so choose your adventures wisely!
Best wishes for delight!  Lalia