Joran van der Sloot has recently been a news headliner. He was a suspect in the still-unresolved disappearance of Natalie Holloway five years ago, May 30th, and is the confessed killer of Stephany Flores on May 30th of this year.
Here are my comments, based on the information from Wikipedia: born on 06 Aug 1987, no time given (I used noon) and Arnhem, Netherlands.
First, some of what I'm going to say makes him appear to be totally obnoxious and this should not be construed to apply to the hundreds or thousands of people with similar charts. Always consider that Hitler had a bunch of astrotwins who did not start the biggest war of the last century.
Back to van der Sloot: A noon chart has four personal planets in the 10th house, three--Venus, Sun and Mars, in Leo. Depending upon your orb, you get some or all of them in a Grand Fire Trine with Saturn, Ceres and Uranus in Sag, and Jupiter in Aries! He's got a lot of other things going on, but this overwhelming Fire energy really
explains it all. Venus-Sun-Mars in Leo, a self-absorbed, sexually motivated, energetic person. Trine Saturn in Sag, probably the restraining hand of his father, Paulus, who died in February of this year. Saturn in Sag is the least restrictive of all Saturn placements, and combined with Ceres and Uranus, makes him an agent of Uranus--the Awakener, or the Rebel--in this lifetime. Ceres is associated with death and mothering. Then we have Jupiter in Aries adding fuel to the fire!
What else? The day of his arrest, we have Venus transiting his (noon) MC. Transiting Mars is at 29 Leo, having touched the whole array of the Grand Fire Trine over the proceeding days. Transiting Saturn is opposing transiting Jupiter and both planets form difficult aspects with Sloot's natal Jupiter. Secondary progressed Moon is at 29 Libra, again setting off the natal Jupiter, as well as heralding a change of life when sp Moon changes sign in a couple of weeks.
Sloot has the natal Moon at 0 Capricorn, and natal Neptune at 5 Cap. The natal Moon in Cap is a classic indicator of closed off feelings, lack of empathy, even cruelty. When conjunct Neptune, could be mentally ill. WHERE is transiting Pluto??? 4 Capricorn! So Pluto is hitting Sloot's natal Moon-Neptune program. Pluto will mean casting aside old ways of living.
Are there positive ways all this fire energy could have been used? Yes. Was Joran "fated" to be a murderer? No.
What we do know is that he is an energetic powerful young man who has suffered the recent loss of his father. Joran may have only been restrained by that father. Without developing self-restraint, self-discipline, the result is what we have seen in Chile. Joran may very well have committed other similar assaults that have not been revealed.
My view is that everyone, at every moment, has the ability and privilege of choosing positive ways of being in the world. Only the person who is at the point-of-choice can make that choice. May Joran, and the rest of us, choose to move towards Grace.